Monday, January 26, 2009

last couple of days

I know its been a couple of days but wanted to write a little. You ever have that moment in your life and you say I want something different or its time for a change well I have had those a lot in my lifetime but over the weekend I really did some thinking and realized that I want to get back to what I was doing before school, kids and work. I know that doesn't make sense but when I was going to school, work and had the kids I seem so busy and I loved it and I had a lot of energy just because I had to because I had so much to do. So I have been thinking of things I could do to keep busy. Going to church on a regular basis and having bible study in the middle week has really helped with this because I feel like my spiritual life has been suffering so yesterday I went to church and I came home and started figuring out what I can do to feel like my life is going somewhere and I know God has a plan for me but my first thing to do was to sit down and read our daily bible scriptures which my church Renovatus church of Christ has set a goal to read the bible this year and yes I only started yesterday it really made me feel like i have accomplished something and this morning I got up and read today's chapters and reflected on them.

Even though I have set some new Years goals I want to make sure I am keeping myself accountable for them and setting a good example for my girls. This last week I went to bible study and there was this verse that stuck in my mind it was Mark 6:50 and it talks about the disciples being afraid because of Jesus walking on the water but thought it was a ghost and Jesus says, Take courage it is I do not be afraid, this just stuck out in my mind because I think there are so many times I am scared of what is going to happen in my life, whether it be finances, relationships, what is going on with the kids but if I have faith in God everything will be okay. So today i am reflecting on that verse when I am scared of where my life is heading that I need to take courage and listen to what God is telling me to do.

Anyway I hope all is well with you I will write later and i know I said I would have more pictures up hopefully I can get the camera working right and we will have them soon


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